Senior Property Tax Work-Off Program

Senior Property Tax Work-Off Program

2025 is in full swing and the Senior Tax Work-Off Program has begun. This program allows seniors to volunteer for their local government in exchange for a reduction in property taxes.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be age 60 or older
  • Own a home in the city or town where you apply and pay property taxes on that home
  • Meet local program requirements, such as income limits or years of residency
  • Offer a skill that your city or town can use

Program Benefits

  • Work as a volunteer for your city or town in an assigned public service job
  • Placement in a role that matches your skills and interests
  • Earn no less than the state minimum wage in the form of tax credit
  • Receive a property tax abatement for your work

Town of Stoneham Abatement: $750

Note: State income tax does not apply to your abatement, but federal tax may apply.

Call the Senior Center for more information: (781) 438-1157